Preventing living in debt and enhancing debt advice
European Consumer Debt Network ECDN in cooperation with Prelomi Institute
Ljubljana, City Hotel, November the 14th 2023
Attitude towards money and mismanagement of money affect everyone. At a time of monetarisation when money is brought to the front everywhere, at a time of bankarisation or the rule of banks, at a time when money has become intangible and often misused, the population of EU member states is being increasingly faced with over-indebtedness on personal level, the level of households and societal level. This affects debtors and creditors as well as the economic state of the country.
Individuals fall into debt due to their emotional problems, difficult life transitions, neurological and health problems, single or repeated wrong financial decisions, insufficient incomes, poor financial planning, manipulations of all kinds but also due to their low financial literacy and finally because of lack of widely spread accessible, competent, individual, and holistic debt advice services and their network.
The old ways of helping are not sufficient anymore. It is not enough that debtors receive random, fragmented advice, that cooperation between institutions and organisations providing debt advice is set up in extremis when financial problems appear to be already unmanageable and too complex for a single organisation to deal with. Moreover, it is not enough for existing organisations to provide advice that focuses only on specific, single aspects of over-indebtedness. There are many aspects to deal with as they are intertwined.
What for?
• to understand over indebtedness its causes and consequences on the personal and the level of households as well as the societal level,
• to consider the influence of the marketing strategies of banks and advertising,
• to comprehend the relationship between functional and financial literacy,
• to deepen the knowledge on the impact of the psychological attitudes towards money on managing money,
• to get familiar with EU examples of good practices regarding debt advice (PEPPI project,
• to appreciate the debt advice in Slovenia and its holistic nature,
• to think in common about ways to upgrade and promote financial literacy in adults.
Who for?
The conference is targeting representatives of institutions ministries, banks, development institutes, and NGOs, providing individual debt advice or promoting financial literacy, social workers, judges, adult and older adult educators, adult education programme developers, therapists, lawyers, managers and journalists.
The number of participants is limited to 40.